Oh goodness. So I know I said that I would write about passion yesterday, but honestly, I had too many thoughts going around in my head to put any down on paper or the internet version of paper. In reality, I still have a ton swirling around up there, but I want to put some down about Passion so I can start to share my experience and maybe writing all this down will put some clarity to the thoughts.
First off, Passion was jam packed full of people (22,000 college students + volunteers + others who helped run the whole thing) as well as awesome music and speakers. While I want to tell all of you how amazing the speakers were one by one, that will be another blog. The names of people I heard speak aren't important - what's important is what I learned and what God revealed to me while I was there.
A picture of Philips arena to show some of the people - Philips held 16,000 and the overflow of 6,000 was in Georgia World Conference Center that was across the street | | |
The first night at Passion we were asked "What do you expect to get out of Passion?" Let me tell you - the answer I gave was completely different from the one I received by the end. Actually, I did get the answer I thought I would because I was renewed in my faith, I did see God do some awesome things, but as God usually does, He gave me way more than I thought. Over the entire weekend one word kept going through my head on repeat -
Go. Now, I have heard this word before. I've gone on mission trips, here and abroad, and I loved every minute of it, but I never thought I would hear God say go as many times as he did this weekend. It seemed like there was a theme in some of the sermons was on missions and giving and I feel like I can't exactly describe to you what I'm trying to say. Basically, I feel that God is calling me to do missions work - whether that means short term or long term, I'm not sure yet. There are many opportunities for myself as a college student to go. I could do spring break trips or trips over the summer or even some trips for semester or 2 years, but I'm not sure right now.
I saw this sign at the Go Center which I felt like what literally a sign from God - more about the Go Center in another post |
Let me tell you, I'm kinda scared. I want to tell God wherever you tell me to go I'll go, but do you realize what that could mean? It could mean leaving the comfortable steady life I have to go to a third world country to do things that are hard and it may be uncomfortable. It could mean going on to physical therapy school and getting a job where I have the potential to make a lot of money to going to have a job where I make very little money and no real financial security. These, however, are tiny details in God's mind. For I know that He has a great and awesome plan for my life and I'm praying that He sends me wherever He wants me to go. It could mean me finishing PT school and using that degree to help children in South Africa or it could mean me just getting my undergrad degree and going to help in Europe. All I know is that it is all in God's hands.
I'm praying every day that He will lead me in the direction He wants me to go and that my eyes will be open to what He wants to show me. A great fear of mine is that I will miss out on an amazing opportunity because I was too scared or I didn't want to go where He wanted me to go. The only security I need is in Him - He is all I will ever need or want. The theme of Passion this year was Do Something Now which is what I'm hoping to do.
Please just pray for me that I will see God's will for my life and go without hesitation or doubt - for I know that He has something planned for my life far greater than I could ever imagine.
I will update more about Passion - the speakers and the Go center, but for now, this is what is on my heart.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"
Jeremiah 29:11