Monday, January 24, 2011

Things that made me happy the past couple of days

Here is a list of things that made me happy today:

Skyping with LINSEY! she has been in costa rica for over a week and I miss hearing her voice & seeing her face.  we usually tried to talk on the phone every other week or so and her being in costa rica we are going to have to skype often.

the best ice cream in the world (in my opinion... minus my dad's homemade) : dove chocolate with raspberry
You open it up and there is a thick layer of dark dove chocolate ganache and underneath is vanilla ice cream with raspberry swirls and dove chocolate chunks. oh my goodness delicious. I would show you an actual picture of mine, but it's all gone after a three days....

another thing that makes me happy is that crayola makes DRY ERASE BOARD CRAYONS! these things are AWESOME! they are literally crayons that you can write on dry erase boards with. and coming from someone who uses them a lot (especially for organic & physics hw) these things are amazing and make doing homework more exciting. They have the same texture are a regular crayon could on a regular sheet of paper. awesome invention.

I signed my lease for my apartment next year on Friday! I will be living with sam noel and caitlin again, and I can't wait. We all get along really well, not just as friends, but living together, which do not always come hand in hand. we're living at a place not far from campus so I'm really excited not to be living in a dorm room again :)

Anyways, here a just a few of the many things that have made me happy the past couple of days.
Everybody have a great Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. DOVVEEEEEE, we're on the sameee page! I'm drooling. Sadly they don't sell that ice cream here in Costa Rica...big SAD DAY :[
