Thursday, December 9, 2010

...and the craziness continues

So today I had exam # 3 of 4.  Today was the day for physics.  Last night after I finished my statistics final (which I think went pretty well) I grabbed dinner with my friends and then headed to the cheesecake factory to get a slice of cheesecake.

I got a slice of Adam's Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Ripple.  I know, it was as delicious as it sounds and looks.

This whole getting a slice of cheesecake was not a random occurance.  Earlier in the semester, the night before our 2nd physics exam, me and my friends Courtney and Murphy were at dinner and I said that I was craving a slice of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.  Courtney then informed Murphy and I that she loved cheesecake, but had never been to the Cheesecake Factory before.  That setteled it - we were going.  After we took our physics test we found out that we all got A's on the test!  No, it wasn't the hours of studying put in before the test, it was the cheesecake.  So, the nights before our 3rd and 4th, we went back to the cheesecake factory to get some cheesecake.  Sadly, Murphy and Courtney couldn't go with me last night, but all is well since I got my cheesecake.

Since everybody is studying for exams, my friends and I decided to have a study pow-wow in the lounge on our floor.  We were all studying for separate classes: econ, statics, physics, chemistry, and developmental bio, but it's more fun studying all together. 

Kenneth and Caitlin :)

I know you may not be able to see it very well, but this is the result of last nights studying.  I am allowed to take a sheet of paper with handwritten notes to my exam and this was mine.  Every formula I had in my notes was written at the top, and 38 example problems.  This is just the front as well - almost half the back was filled up in studying this morning.

After going to bed about 4 am, waking up at 8, and taking a 2 1/2 hour physics final that consisted of 30 questions, I am exhausted.  Luckily for me, all I have left is Biology on Tuesday, so I have all weekend to study and I can sleep in as late as I want in the morning.

Have a great Friday!

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9

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